Thursday, 27 September 2018

Room 13 children have been creating art out of reusable items. We covered containers with magazine pictures and we LOVE them.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Blossom walk

Today Room 13 & 14 wandered over to the University to enjoy the blossom trees before the blossoms disappeared.

We wrote about the blossoms as soon as we got back to school. Come and read them in the class. 
Here is a wee sneaky sample of the writing.

The blooms were drifting down from the trees. They look like they are ballerinas dancing through the air. The petals were soft and delicate. They were pink and easy to hold.

By Charlie 

"So cold!" Today we went blossom hunting. I saw a blossom tree. The blossoms were all pink, like a pink umbrella or a pink marshmallow. It was very bright. The blossoms were very bright. The blossoms were dancing, drifting and floating. When we were going back we got to roll down the hill! But the bad thing was there were lots of sticks, which was sad. Maybe if we go again, it will be prettier.
By Rynie

Sunday, 23 September 2018


I had to share the fabulous Room 13 children in the Library on Friday.

We do love our visits to the school library.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Kelly Sports

Today we tasted some games and activities promoted by Kelly Sports. A pamphlet regarding the programmes Kelly Sports offer will come home tomorrow.

Hammer throwing

target throwing

Cricket skills

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Maori Language week.

We enjoyed adding more Maori language to our programme this week. We focused mainly on colours, feelings and numbers using wiata (song) and games. We also made our own class colour book, where the children composed a sentence (with matching illustration) in reo around a noun and colour.
For example
He manu kakariki  = A green bird.
Please come and look at our book on the class bookshelf.

On Friday we had a special Exploring time where the Year 1 children were free to roam between Room 13, 14, 15 & 16 where they could choose activities including specific Maori activities.

Room 13 and 14 decided to keep the day flowing as the children were very keen to make and use poi. We also 'chalked it up' on the court. This involved using te reo or illustrations as part of a school wide activity.

It was such a lovely day too.