Sunday, 26 August 2018

Book Week

Well what fun we had last week. The highlight was dressing up as our favourite book character.
The children looked AMAZING!

Our overall theme for Room 13 was Pete the Cat. Our door was decorated like Pete, we read Pete the Cat books, wrote our own version of Pete the Cat using Maori colours, sang Pete the Cat songs and completed craft and rhyming activities using Pete the Cat.

We really LOVE reading!!!!

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Bees Wax Wraps
Yah ... today we made Bees Wax Wraps.

As part of our Inquiry we are looking at 'making a change' to the litter around our school and the environment. The wraps, which keeps our food fresh, are reusable so that we are not using plastic wrap.

We melted bees wax pellets so they changed from a solid to a liquid, then added canola oil. We brushed the mixture on our material. Next we put it in the oven for 10 minutes so that the wax soaked through the material.

Check out the photos of Room 13 and 14 making the wraps.

We cant wait to see all the wraps in lunchboxes next week.

Helping to make a CHANGE.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Yesterday we had some amazing helpers from Room 20 (Year 3 & 4), who worked alongside us to make some reusable bags out of old t-shirts as part of our Inquiry. We are working on 'making a change' to the plastic problem around our school and the environment. These bags are for us to use again and again and again so that we don't need to use a single-use plastic bag. We know that the plastic ones take many, many, many years to break down (if they ever do!) and can hurt sea life and other animals. It also means the old t-shirts don't end up as rubbish.
There was no sewing involved - see if you can work out how they were made (or ask the Room 13 children to explain).

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

This term we have been learning the vocabulary and methods of measuring.
We started our unit by reading Jack and the Beanstalk (linked also to our Better Start focus for that week). We measured the Beanstalk and other things in the classroom using the Giant's Feet.
We discovered that feet is a non-standard measurement. We also tried other non-standard units of measurement.

Who is tallest?

How fast are we?

How many handspans long is the table?

How many handspans high is the table?